What is HCG?
HCG is short for human chorionic gonadotrophin. This is a hormone that a woman produces when pregnant. The purpose of the hormone is to mobilize fat so the body can change it into blood sugar and feed the fetus 24 hours a day.
What is the average weight loss while using HCG?
The average weight loss is 1 - 2 pounds per day.
I have heard this is a 500 calorie per day diet. Is that true?
HCG will cause your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the abnormal fat storage locations such as arms, abdominal area, hips and buttock so that is available for your body to burn as daily calories. While you are consuming only 500 calories, your hypothalamus is continually releasing the stored fat from your body. Therefore, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories per day from stored fat. This is why HCG dieters successfully resculpt their bodies by losing 1 - 2 pounds of fat per day.
What is the hypothalamus gland?
The hypothalamus gland moderates the thyroid, adrenals, fat storage, and more importantly, your metabolic rate.
How does HCG help men and women lose unwanted pounds?
The HCG diet was discovered over 40 years ago with 20 years of research of thousands of cases by Dr.Simeons, MD. His many years of research showed that while fat is converted into blood sugar and used as energy, the body needs additional proteins. He found that a 500 calorie high protein diet would help in the process of losing weight while using HCG to convert fat for fuel. Because the HCG hormone makes the abnormal fat available, the body begins living off the fat. The fat provides a source of energy, just as food does. Patients are instructed to reduce food to 500 calories per day, however, hunger is not noticed because 3,500 additional calories are consumed each day by the body. The average loss is about one to two pounds per day while using HCG drops.
What is the duration of the treatment?
Depending on desired weight loss, the treatment will last for a period of 26 - 40 days. After the initial cycle, you go off the diet and HCG drops for 6 weeks before starting up again for another 6 weeks. You repeat as many cycles as you want until you get to the desired weight.
How do I take the drops?
Using the provided dropper, simply place 10 drops under your tongue 3 times per day. Hold the drops under your tongue for 15 seconds. Do not eat or drink anything for the next 30 minutes. The drops do not need to be refridgerated just simply keep them at room tempeture. It's that easy!
Why are some people calling HCG the “Weight Loss Cure”?
HCG is sometimes being called the “Weight Loss Cure” because after taking it for weight loss, it reprograms your body to use stored fat for energy when calories are reduced for a period of time. It helps you maintain your weight and not regain the pounds you lost.
Does the weight loss slow down after the first two weeks?
Many times there is a large amount of weight loss in the first week, then a plateau or leveling off of weight loss. This does not mean that your weight loss has stopped. Typically, inches are being lost continuously during your 30 days, and after a period of time, patients will experience another large drop on the scale. Weight loss is thus achieved in this stair-step fashion.
Can I wear makeup?
In general, no lotions, moisturizers or liquid make-ups with oil are allowed. HCG is very sensitive to oils, creams and fats. These could slow the weight loss process down; you only want it to target your stored fat. You can use any mineral makeup or pressed powders and of course oil free foundations are fine. Other eye makeups and lipstick are fine. Stay away from lip glosses and Chapstick. If your lips get dry the protocol says to use Carmex. Protocol also states if needed you can use mineral oil (baby oil) if needed as a moisturizer. I think of this as a personal preference. Some women still wear their makeup and STILL have weight loss. Do what works best for you!
I've heard the treatments are costly. Is there a less costly option?
You are correct. HCG is often a very expensive but effective weight loss treatment. With little research, you will easily find that injections administered in a doctors office cost up to $600.00 for a 4- 6 week period. Due to this high cost, homeopathic sublingual drops are quickly becoming a more highly desired option. Results are just as amazing at a fraction of the cost. Many Chiropractor's offices, Health Spas and Health Food stores offer homeopathic drops for up to $250.00 for a 4 - 6 week period.
What is the difference between HCG Injections and the HCG Drops?
The HCG I sell is homeopathic. The way the homeopathic HCG is produced (in a nutshell) is by taking small amounts of the original strength HCG and making it into a sublingual mixture which is administered under the tongue. I have many clients who have tried both versions, and report no differences between the two (except mine is cheaper!) With the injections you give yourself a shot into the stomach once a day with an HCG perscription from a doctor. With the HCG drops you take it sublingually under the tongue 3 times a day and wait 30 minutes before eating anything. The injections you have to get prescribed from a medical proffesional also known as an M.D. The homeopathic drops can be found at spas and distributors all over the U.S. The injestions are expensive and the Drops are not. The injections are made from an alchohol base and the homeopathic drops are made from a mineral water base. As far as the weight loss you are looking at the same amount of weight loss. Alot of the weight loss depends on the person, everyone is different and wants to lose weight at a different pace. The average weight loss is a pound a day with the injections and the drops.
Can I still excersise while on the drops
Protocol states that you should not do anything that your body is not already accustom to so, if you walk ever night you can still walk. If you introduce a heavy excersise that your body is not use to it will drain your calories and you will be hungry.
Are there any side effects with using HCG?
There are no side effects associated with HCG. Very few experience slight headaches or dizziness for the first few days but this is extremely rare and mild. HCG has been used for weight loss for 50+ years, so there is plenty of evidence to back up its safety.
Is HCG FDA approved?
HCG is NOT FDA approved in the United States.
How do Anti-Deppresants work with HCG?
Some deppressants work and some do not. It is a fifty fifty chance you take when on a depressant. I know two ladies who tried the HCG while on a deppressant, it worked for one but not the other.
Does Your HCG come pre-mixed?
Yes. It comes pre-mixed and ready to use.
Where is Your HCG manufactured?
HCG Absolute Advantage is manufactured in Utah in a licensed FDA approved facility, By a licensed M.D. Authentic HCG only comes from within the United States.
Who can use the diet?
The treatment works for almost everyone, young, old, male, female. You can use HCG if your BMI value is not lower than 20. Always check with your doctor before beginning any new weight loss program. Do NOT use HCG if you are pregnant or nursing.
Will my birth control methods be affected by using HCG?
HCG will not interfere with any form of bith control.
Will the HCG interfere with medications my doctor has prescribed to me?
It is a good idea to consult with your doctor before beginning any weight loss program..
When will my bottle go bad?
HCG Absolute Advantage has a shelf life of Two Years!!!
Will I keep the weight off?
After the HCG diet, you will find your appetite has changed, your eating behavior will be changed and your body will of course, have changed. This is the perfect opportunity to adopt that healthy lifestyle to maintain your weight. You will find a minimum amount of exercise will be sufficient for maintaining a very healthy body- from yoga, to 15 minutes a day cardio a day, or whatever you enjoy, that keeps your heart moving. With your hypothalamus reset, your metabolism will be different and you will be able to eat moderately without feeling the need to overeat. Amongst the people who have tried HCG, 75 to 90% have had hardly any or no difficulty keeping their new, ideal weight.
How much weight can I expect to lose?
Weight loss varies between .5 pound and 3 pounds per day, with the average loss being 1-2 pounds per day.
Is it healthy to lose 1-2 pounds a day with HCG?
While losing 1-2 pounds daily without the use of HCG would be unhealthy, the HCG in fact changes this. You lose fat and the weight loss comes directly from this fat loss and does not strip the body.
Why the 500 calorie diet?
HCG causes your hyphothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that it’s available for use. While you are only consuming 500 calories, your hypothalamus is continually releasing the fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day. The result is your body using thousands of calories from fat from your body each day, the reason HCG dieters lose 1-2 pounds of fat or more, per day.
Will I be hungry on 500 calories a day?
It is common for mild hunger during the first few days, however this will pass and by the 2nd week. You will find even very tiny servings, to be completely satisfying . This is partly due to your hypothalamus adjusting your metabolic rate, but largely due to the amount of calories circulating in your system from the fat being released. It is common that HCG dieters feel as though they are stuffing themselves in order to reach that 500 calorie limit.
What is the hypothalamus gland?
The hypothalamus gland moderates the thyroid, adrenals, fat storage, and more importantly, your metabolic rate.
How is the homeopathic HCG administered?
HCG is most effective when placed under your tongue. It comes in liquid form and the dropper is supplied with your HCG bottle, so there is no guess work in measuring. Studies have shown that using 10 drops 3 times per day is the most effective dosing.
Will I lose more weight if I use the injections instead of the homeopathic HCG??
Patients report the same results from both forms of HCG. The difference is that the injectable generally costs $600 plus for a 5 week program and our product is MUCH less!
Are there specific foods I should or should not eat while on the diet?
Yes! With your purchase you will be given a food list and diet instructions.
When I am at my goal weight how do I keep the weight off?
It takes 3 weeks before the diet becomes stable. During this 3 week period, the intake of carbohydrates must be carefully limited to prevent weight gain. Maintain a low carb diet.